Welcome to the new year of 2018. Wish you all have a prosperous and healthy year ahead.
I hope you have been enjoying and you are enjoying the posts on this blog. I have tried my best to keep this blog informative and helpful to visitors that stumbled hereon.
In the new year of 2018, as always i will try to write about Chinese laws in respect of civil and commercial issues. The contents hereon will be focusing more on corporate laws, investment funds, limited partnership, real estate, and family laws such as estate planning, family trusts, inheritance and divorces.
In the past year of 2017, several cases involving overseas Chinese seeking to inherit their ancestral properties in the mainland China has prompted me to think that I should write more about possible legal issues that overseas Chinese will meet in their lives, both domestic and foreign. With more and more Chinese going abroad and starting their lives anew there, there will for sure be growing demand from those overseas Chinese for legal services in the mainland China.
At the same time, as one of the initial goals, this blog will continue to serve foreign individuals and corporate entities clients that have are interested in or with the mainland Chinam, either making investment in China or receiving investments from Chinese investors, or trading with China (OEM etc.), or otherwise involved in a family matter having China elements.
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